Is Weed Legal In Washington D.C.?

Weed has been legal in Washington D.C. for years now, but it’s still a bit confusing to figure out what that means. The District of Columbia legalized recreational cannabis use in 2015, which made headlines around the world. But despite the legalization of weed, there are still many regulations on how people can use it […]

What is 4/20?

If you’re one of the many people who enjoy smoking cannabis, you’ve probably heard of 4/20. You may have even celebrated it. But if not, here’s the 411 on the unofficial holiday that celebrates all things weed related:

Highlighted Storefront | Luxury Soil

Luxury Soil is the only gifted cannabis store in Washington D.C. that offers high-end customer service and an elegant storefront. As a cannabis connoisseur myself, I can tell you that this combination makes for a truly rare experience. Although there are plenty of other stores available in D.C., none offer the same combination of quality […]

President’s Who Grew Or Smoked Cannabis

Many people travel to Washington D.C. every year to learn about our country’s origins and see its wealth of historical knowledge. However one thing you won’t see on any statue or plaque is the history of cannabis use in the capitol. It’s no secret that the United States was founded on a love of cannabis. […]