Can you smoke weed in D.C.?

The District of Columbia still has laws against smoking weed in public places, even though it’s legal for adults 21 and over to gift and possess small amounts of cannabis. And while there are some exceptions—for example, if you’re using medical marijuana as part of a state-approved prescription—the most important rule is that the law says you can’t smoke pot outside your home. So before lighting up on your next trip to D.C., read this guide to find out where you can use marijuana legally!

Smoking will still be illegal on federal property.

While it’s legal to possess and grow cannabis in D.C., there are still some places where it’s prohibited. Smoking marijuana on federal land, such as national parks or military bases, is illegal under federal law. So if you want to smoke a bowl at the National Mall while watching fireworks on July 4th weekend, you might want to reconsider that thought.

The federal government owns around 30% of all land within Washington DC’s borders and much more outside of them including all national parks and monuments such as Arlington National Cemetery (where JFK is buried). With this being said you better know explicitly who owns the property you’re standing on because in a city like D.C. you can have one foot on private property and one foot on federal land without even knowing it.

You can’t sell marijuana, but you can grow it at home.

In Washington, DC, you can grow marijuana at home. However, it is illegal to sell marijuana in any way. Growing up to six plants at a time is allowed as long as they are kept in an enclosed area like a closet or greenhouse (no windows).

According to Initiative 71, gifting small amounts of cannabis is also legal within the city limits of Washington D.C.

You will also be arrested if caught driving while high on drugs such as marijuana since this could affect your ability behind the wheel.

District officials say they’re committed to decriminalizing everything related to marijuana.

District officials say they’re committed to decriminalizing everything related to marijuana.

The District of Columbia is going forward with plans to legalize recreational use of the drug and says it will spend the next few months developing a regulatory system for sales, along with a plan for taxing sales.

You’d better wait before lighting up in the district.

The short answer to the question is: no. You can’t smoke marijuana in public, even if it’s legal under District law. You also can’t light up on federal property or in a federal park—so don’t even think about lighting up at your favorite picnic spot on the National Mall. 

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