What is 4/20?

If you’re one of the many people who enjoy smoking cannabis, you’ve probably heard of 4/20. You may have even celebrated it. But if not, here’s the 411 on the unofficial holiday that celebrates all things weed related:

4/20 is cannabis’ official holiday.

If you’re not into marijuana, 4/20 can feel like a day that’s just for stoners. But the truth is that 4/20 is a time to celebrate cannabis culture and its many accomplishments.

It can also be a time to smoke weed if you’re into it—and who isn’t?

Whether you’re planning to spend your day smoking some good herb or having fun without it, there are plenty of ways to celebrate 4/20!

There are lots of theories about where 4/20 originated, but one thing’s for sure: 420 isn’t an official code for police officers or dispatchers to indicate that someone is smoking weed.

There are all kinds of wild theories about the origins of 4/20. We have heard everything from it being connected to Hitler’s birthday(Which is super ironic and ludicrous to say the least. How can you associate the worlds kindest herb with one of the worlds most terrible people in history?) to it being the day cave men first started smoking. As interesting as these theories may seem, the answer is actually quite simple.

  • There is no official code for police officers or dispatchers to indicate that someone is smoking weed.
  • 420 isn’t an official code for police officers or dispatchers to indicate that someone is smoking weed. In fact, it’s not a secret number at all—it’s just the date April 20th written out in military time (20:04).

What are you waiting for? It’s time to light up and celebrate!

With some simple steps, you can be ready to light up some good sticky-icky and celebrate your holiday. First, gather all your friends and family members who also choose to smoke weed on this day. Then, fire up your favorite YouTube video or podcast and light up!

The whole world will be red-eyed for a day.

Washington D.C. is a great place to enjoy both your high and a history lesson.

Spending your 4/20 in Washington D.C.? We got you covered.

If you are choosing to spend your cannabis holiday in the capitol, we have all the local essentials you need to make the day as pleasant as possible. Wether you are looking for the best munchies, smoke shops to get accessories or just weed in general; the Give A Gram team can point you in the right direction.

So that’s it—the story of 4/20, the unofficial holiday celebrating marijuana. We hope you enjoyed reading this article as much as we enjoyed writing it!

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